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Designers Portal

By designers, for designers

We understand that designing can be challenging - and we're here to help you overcome the challenges.

The CannonKeys Advantage

In-House Expertise

Got a keyboard design but struggling to find a PCB? No problem! We can help with PCB design.
Have a keyset design but need a design for the packaging? We can help with that as well! With our wide range of skills, we can cover for the things you need so you can focus on what you do best.

From a Designer's Perspective

It's hard to understand what goes into a design without having designed things.
As a company started by a designer, led by a designer, and having multiple active designers within the team, we have the understanding to treat your design with the insight that it needs and that you expect.

Battle-Tested Experience

With our experience from having handled many projects and group buys, we have the skill and insight ready to make your next design succeed. We can provide feedback to you about what might land well for sales, or what might pose a manufacturing challenge, and help you land your product better.

Getting Started

To begin, visit the category on the menu that matches what you're looking for.